Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Alpha Course: Gotta Love It

Tonight I snuck in on the first night of our 2011 Alpha Course.  It was way too cool.

This is a class developed at a church in London, UK to introduce people to the Christian faith in a fun, low-key environment over dinner, a video and discussion.

Alpha is very organic, and this one was no disappointment - we met in a great little PMQ (Permanent Married Quarters I think?) townhouse on the Comox Military Base.  About ten of us (plus a baby and two kids) got to know each other better over some great cooking, and then we watched the video teaching.  While the group discussed what they saw, I volunteered for baby duty and paced the kitchen till she slept.  What I heard from the kitchen is what gets my heart pumping - "Why are you here tonight?  What are you hoping to get from the Alpha course?"  To hear all the different places people are in their spiritual journey, to sense a hunger for God, that absolutely gets me excited.  To hear past Alpha grads talk about how they have grown, and how they want to serve and keep growing, how cool is that.

I was just there for this one night so I told the group - "I'm jealous!  You're going to have an awesome journey."

I will just make an unapologetic plug here - if you have spiritual questions, or if you have a friend trying to figure out that part of life, I am sure the Alpha Course would be an amazing experience.  Check or for a course in your area.  If you are a Christian and want to be part of others spiritual quest you would find it so rewarding taking a role in a Alpha class.

Alpha is one tool that helps people discover Jesus and I believe there is nothing in this world more exciting than that.  Like a guy named Peter said in a conversation with Jesus himself, "Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life."


  1. Im excited as well! I believe PMQ is private military quarters, but youd have to ask Jesse, it may be permanent military quarters.

  2. I think you got the pmq tag right:) You guys are in for a great course.
